Nikita Ogurtsov es un músico ucraniano que actualmente reside en Francia. De acuerdo a su biografía, dejó su país natal como solicitante de asilo y vivió en refugios temporales, allí volvió a grabar canciones que habían sido escritas 8 años antes, todo desde su PC. Me gusta “II” por su agresividad, en los temas iniciales muestra ser experimental pero poco a poco se vuelve consistente y va definiendo su estilo, señala a Hüsker Dü como una de sus principales influencias. Mucho mejor producido es “III” tiene mejores matices y temas realmente buenos, aquí realmente suena a Yrstruly.
Hasta marzo pudo entregarnos 2 de los 12 álbumes que tenía planeado entregarnos durante el 2020, probablemente la pandemia detuvo su actividad. Esperemos saber pronto de él.
Nikita Ogurtsov is a Ukrainian musician currently residing in France. According to his biography, he left his native country as an asylum seeker and lived in temporary shelters, there he returned to record songs that had been written 8 years earlier, all from his PC. I like “II” for its aggressiveness, in the initial songs it shows to be experimental but little by little it becomes consistent and defines its style, pointing to Hüsker Dü as one of its main influences. Much better produced is “III” it has better nuances and really good songs, here it really sounds like Yrstruly.
Until March he was able to deliver us 2 of the 12 albums that he had planned to deliver to us during 2020, probably the pandemic stopped his activity. Hope to hear from him soon.